Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cult of Gracie Radio With Dr. Susan Block

Wednesday, September 3, 2009, at 9 PM (Central) Cult of Gracie Radio has the fabulous Dr. Susan Block, sex educator, cable TV host and author, discusses what we can learn from bonobos, the chimps who have a matriarchal culture and are recognized to have sex play a prominent role in their society. Bonobos also display compassion, empathy, kindness, patience, sensitivity, and altruism. We humans could should learn a lot from these apes so closely related to us.

About Suzy: A familiar face on HBO's late-night programming through her #1 Nielsen-rated specials, Radio Sex TV with Dr. Susan Block, as well as her episodes on Real Sex, she's not only an educated sexologist, but a hot chick with a grand sense of humor to boot.

It promises to be a fun & informative show ~ don't forget to call in at 1.646.200.3136!

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